Video-language pre-training has advanced the performance of various downstream video-language tasks. However, most previous methods directly inherit or adapt typical image-language pre-training paradigms to video-language pre-training, thus not fully exploiting the unique characteristic of video, i.e., temporal. In this paper, we propose a Hierarchical Temporal-Aware video-language pre-training framework, HiTeA, with two novel pre-training tasks for modeling cross-modal alignment between moments and texts as well as the temporal relations of video-text pairs. Specifically, we propose a cross-modal moment exploration task to explore moments in videos, which results in detailed video moment representation. Besides, the inherent temporal relations are captured by aligning video-text pairs as a whole in different time resolutions with multi-modal temporal relation exploration task. Furthermore, we introduce the shuffling test to evaluate the temporal reliance of datasets and video-language pre-training models. We achieve state-of-the-art results on 15 well-established video-language understanding and generation tasks, especially on temporal-oriented datasets (e.g., SSv2-Template and SSv2-Label) with 8.6% and 11.1% improvement respectively. HiTeA also demonstrates strong generalization ability when directly transferred to downstream tasks in a zero-shot manner. Models and demo will be available on ModelScope.
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The number of international benchmarking competitions is steadily increasing in various fields of machine learning (ML) research and practice. So far, however, little is known about the common practice as well as bottlenecks faced by the community in tackling the research questions posed. To shed light on the status quo of algorithm development in the specific field of biomedical imaging analysis, we designed an international survey that was issued to all participants of challenges conducted in conjunction with the IEEE ISBI 2021 and MICCAI 2021 conferences (80 competitions in total). The survey covered participants' expertise and working environments, their chosen strategies, as well as algorithm characteristics. A median of 72% challenge participants took part in the survey. According to our results, knowledge exchange was the primary incentive (70%) for participation, while the reception of prize money played only a minor role (16%). While a median of 80 working hours was spent on method development, a large portion of participants stated that they did not have enough time for method development (32%). 25% perceived the infrastructure to be a bottleneck. Overall, 94% of all solutions were deep learning-based. Of these, 84% were based on standard architectures. 43% of the respondents reported that the data samples (e.g., images) were too large to be processed at once. This was most commonly addressed by patch-based training (69%), downsampling (37%), and solving 3D analysis tasks as a series of 2D tasks. K-fold cross-validation on the training set was performed by only 37% of the participants and only 50% of the participants performed ensembling based on multiple identical models (61%) or heterogeneous models (39%). 48% of the respondents applied postprocessing steps.
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3D point clouds are rich in geometric structure information, while 2D images contain important and continuous texture information. Combining 2D information to achieve better 3D semantic segmentation has become mainstream in 3D scene understanding. Albeit the success, it still remains elusive how to fuse and process the cross-dimensional features from these two distinct spaces. Existing state-of-the-art usually exploit bidirectional projection methods to align the cross-dimensional features and realize both 2D & 3D semantic segmentation tasks. However, to enable bidirectional mapping, this framework often requires a symmetrical 2D-3D network structure, thus limiting the network's flexibility. Meanwhile, such dual-task settings may distract the network easily and lead to over-fitting in the 3D segmentation task. As limited by the network's inflexibility, fused features can only pass through a decoder network, which affects model performance due to insufficient depth. To alleviate these drawbacks, in this paper, we argue that despite its simplicity, projecting unidirectionally multi-view 2D deep semantic features into the 3D space aligned with 3D deep semantic features could lead to better feature fusion. On the one hand, the unidirectional projection enforces our model focused more on the core task, i.e., 3D segmentation; on the other hand, unlocking the bidirectional to unidirectional projection enables a deeper cross-domain semantic alignment and enjoys the flexibility to fuse better and complicated features from very different spaces. In joint 2D-3D approaches, our proposed method achieves superior performance on the ScanNetv2 benchmark for 3D semantic segmentation.
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Graph neural networks (GNNs) have been demonstrated to be a powerful algorithmic model in broad application fields for their effectiveness in learning over graphs. To scale GNN training up for large-scale and ever-growing graphs, the most promising solution is distributed training which distributes the workload of training across multiple computing nodes. However, the workflows, computational patterns, communication patterns, and optimization techniques of distributed GNN training remain preliminarily understood. In this paper, we provide a comprehensive survey of distributed GNN training by investigating various optimization techniques used in distributed GNN training. First, distributed GNN training is classified into several categories according to their workflows. In addition, their computational patterns and communication patterns, as well as the optimization techniques proposed by recent work are introduced. Second, the software frameworks and hardware platforms of distributed GNN training are also introduced for a deeper understanding. Third, distributed GNN training is compared with distributed training of deep neural networks, emphasizing the uniqueness of distributed GNN training. Finally, interesting issues and opportunities in this field are discussed.
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Besides the complex nature of colonoscopy frames with intrinsic frame formation artefacts such as light reflections and the diversity of polyp types/shapes, the publicly available polyp segmentation training datasets are limited, small and imbalanced. In this case, the automated polyp segmentation using a deep neural network remains an open challenge due to the overfitting of training on small datasets. We proposed a simple yet effective polyp segmentation pipeline that couples the segmentation (FCN) and classification (CNN) tasks. We find the effectiveness of interactive weight transfer between dense and coarse vision tasks that mitigates the overfitting in learning. And It motivates us to design a new training scheme within our segmentation pipeline. Our method is evaluated on CVC-EndoSceneStill and Kvasir-SEG datasets. It achieves 4.34% and 5.70% Polyp-IoU improvements compared to the state-of-the-art methods on the EndoSceneStill and Kvasir-SEG datasets, respectively.
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Generating consistent and high-quality images from given texts is essential for visual-language understanding. Although impressive results have been achieved in generating high-quality images, text-image consistency is still a major concern in existing GAN-based methods. Particularly, the most popular metric $R$-precision may not accurately reflect the text-image consistency, often resulting in very misleading semantics in the generated images. Albeit its significance, how to design a better text-image consistency metric surprisingly remains under-explored in the community. In this paper, we make a further step forward to develop a novel CLIP-based metric termed as Semantic Similarity Distance ($SSD$), which is both theoretically founded from a distributional viewpoint and empirically verified on benchmark datasets. Benefiting from the proposed metric, we further design the Parallel Deep Fusion Generative Adversarial Networks (PDF-GAN) that aims at improving text-image consistency by fusing semantic information at different granularities and capturing accurate semantics. Equipped with two novel plug-and-play components: Hard-Negative Sentence Constructor and Semantic Projection, the proposed PDF-GAN can mitigate inconsistent semantics and bridge the text-image semantic gap. A series of experiments show that, as opposed to current state-of-the-art methods, our PDF-GAN can lead to significantly better text-image consistency while maintaining decent image quality on the CUB and COCO datasets.
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在本文中,我们考虑了神经视频压缩(NVC)中位分配的问题。由于帧参考结构,使用相同的R-D(速率)权衡参数$ \ lambda $的当前NVC方法是次优的,这带来了位分配的需求。与以前基于启发式和经验R-D模型的方法不同,我们建议通过基于梯度的优化解决此问题。具体而言,我们首先提出了一种基于半损坏的变异推理(SAVI)的连续位实现方法。然后,我们通过更改SAVI目标,使用迭代优化提出了一个像素级隐式分配方法。此外,我们基于NVC的可区分特征得出了精确的R-D模型。我们通过使用精确的R-D模型证明其等效性与位分配的等效性来展示我们的方法的最佳性。实验结果表明,我们的方法显着改善了NVC方法,并且胜过现有的位分配方法。我们的方法是所有可区分NVC方法的插件,并且可以直接在现有的预训练模型上采用。
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大规模图在现实情况下无处不在,可以通过图神经网络(GNN)训练以生成下游任务的表示形式。鉴于大规模图的丰富信息和复杂的拓扑结构,我们认为在这样的图中存在冗余,并将降低训练效率。不幸的是,模型可伸缩性严重限制了通过香草GNNS训练大规模图的效率。尽管在基于抽样的培训方法方面取得了最新进展,但基于抽样的GNN通常忽略了冗余问题。在大规模图上训练这些型号仍然需要无法容忍的时间。因此,我们建议通过重新思考图中的固有特征来降低冗余并提高使用GNN的大规模训练效率。在本文中,我们开拓者提出了一种称为dropreef的曾经使用的方法,以在大规模图中删除冗余。具体而言,我们首先进行初步实验,以探索大规模图中的潜在冗余。接下来,我们提出一个度量标准,以量化图中所有节点的异质性。基于实验和理论分析,我们揭示了大规模图中的冗余,即具有高邻居异质的节点和大量邻居。然后,我们建议Dropreef一劳永逸地检测并删除大规模图中的冗余,以帮助减少训练时间,同时确保模型准确性没有牺牲。为了证明DropReef的有效性,我们将其应用于最新的基于最新的采样GNN,用于训练大规模图,这是由于此类模型的高精度。使用Dropreef杠杆,可以大力提高模型的训练效率。 Dropreef高度兼容,并且在离线上执行,从而在很大程度上使目前和未来的最新采样GNN受益。
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本文回顾了AIM 2022上压缩图像和视频超级分辨率的挑战。这项挑战包括两条曲目。轨道1的目标是压缩图像的超分辨率,轨迹〜2靶向压缩视频的超分辨率。在轨道1中,我们使用流行的数据集DIV2K作为培训,验证和测试集。在轨道2中,我们提出了LDV 3.0数据集,其中包含365个视频,包括LDV 2.0数据集(335个视频)和30个其他视频。在这一挑战中,有12支球队和2支球队分别提交了赛道1和赛道2的最终结果。所提出的方法和解决方案衡量了压缩图像和视频上超分辨率的最先进。提出的LDV 3.0数据集可在上找到。此挑战的首页是在。
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